
ThestoryofPersephone(Proserpina,inRomanmythology),Hades(Pluto),andDemeter(Ceres)isintertwinedwiththeislandofSicily.,ThecityofLocriEpizephyrii,inmodernCalabria(southernItaly),wasfamousforitscultofPersephone,wheresheisagoddessofmarriageandchildbirthin ...,DirectedbyDarylCloran.JointheMantinifamilyforahilariousandheartwarmingfeastofstoriesofgrowingupItalianinJasper,Albertainthe1970s.,供應中此款洋...

The Sicilian Roots of the Persephone Myth

The story of Persephone (Proserpina, in Roman mythology), Hades (Pluto), and Demeter (Ceres) is intertwined with the island of Sicily.


The city of Locri Epizephyrii, in modern Calabria (southern Italy), was famous for its cult of Persephone, where she is a goddess of marriage and childbirth in ...

Made in Italy

Directed by Daryl Cloran. Join the Mantini family for a hilarious and heartwarming feast of stories of growing up Italian in Jasper, Alberta in the 1970s.

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Sanctuary of Persephone | ancient site, Italy

In Locri Epizephyrii disclosed a Doric temple, a sanctuary of Persephone, and numerous 5th-century-bc terra-cotta native plaques (pinakes).

The Enigmatic Persephone - Calabria

The daughter of Zeus, king of the gods, and Demeter, goddess of the harvest, Persephone was abducted by Hades and taken to his underworld where she was offered ...

Persephone - 女裝- OUTLET台中

Persephone來自義大利的頂級設計師品牌,品牌致力於設計兼質感、時尚感且繽紛的色彩元素,在設計上以簡約素雅著稱並以都會女性為設計對象,提供上班﹑渡假或派對時不同風情多樣 ...